14 September 2008

season of mists

The epilobium are now clearly in bloom. The ceratostigma look quite well too. One of the leonotis in the Zone is close to nine feet high, and the ones behind the house (which I had to cut down for some painting work) are, ahem, roaring back. The "Grandpa Ott" by the east fence is showing some lovely big flowers, while the ones in the front walkway try to re-grow after they were cut down (yeah, yeah). Also in that walkway, some cyclamen and are coming up, and the achimenes are showing their true colours, two of which I quite like (and two varities are missing; not sure why).

I've demolished the southerly of the two plumbago after deciding that (1) I didn't like its yellow leaves and couldn't see how to cure them (2) it really wasn't needed since its brother grows so well. Speaking of which, the godzilla is overunning everything. The hibscus acetosella is now as tall as I am (admittedly in a large pot) and I may well keep it, if I can decide where. The yarrow in the corner lawn, which I cut short recently, is looking rather sad and in some places dessicated. Possibly gaura would have been a better bet.

I'm also pondering a replacement for the salvia greggii but I don't think the hibiscus is it.