13 January 2008

trans plant trans plant trans

After pruning the plum tree (trying to keep it open, remove duplicate shoots, and look for buds pointng the way I want to grow) I turned to planning, and moved two gaura seedlings from the corner lawn to the big belt of perovskia outside the back gate, and half a dozen watsonia to the retaining wall just north of there. I can't remember if those are the white or the orange ones ... we'll find out in a few months. Then I sieved some earth and stones under the front of the house.

The cyclamen in the front walkway are going well ... the scarlet one is trying to catch up with the maroon. The berberis has lost its last few leaves; the teucrium is spreading a bit wider; there are a few dots of primrose. Also slight bloom from the flax and the solanum rantonnetii (?sp); not a lot else yet.

06 January 2008

more pebbles

Yes, I'm at it again: separating soil from pebbles and putting the pebbles in a trench.

Yesterday's storm seems to have left no flowers on the solanum nor leaves on the berberis but other plants are much as before. Two of the anemones that I planted in the green tubs with a mixture of soil and compost are coming up. The creeping rosemary is doing well, with a little bit of bloom; the juniper next to it is not visibly growing. Pity: on my walk this morning I saw a "lawn" of low-growing juniper and thought that might be better around the water meter than the erigeron karvinskianus (Santa Barbara daisy) that I have there now. The northern plumbago is not quite so yellow; I'll give it some more nitrogen in a few weeks. The various transplants from two weeks ago look healthy.

I can now see which of the daylilies in the Zone (and, for that matter, by the drive) are evergreen in this climate. I'll log them on the spreadsheet ... oh, I should create a new one of those for 2008.

Last week I finished demolishing the godzilla, except for some new growth that I hadn't the heart to cut down. I also hacked the salvia chamaedryoides right back, and hope I haven't killed it. Some of the catharanthi are looking sad, but I'm leaving them uncut for now. There are some overgrown lobularia that need to be shorn or pulled, so I've been doing some of that. I've also transplanted some chunks of cerastium tomentosum along the front path, and may do one or two more.