18 December 2006

... dug

Last weekend I dug up another third of that lawn and sowed some yarrow. On Sunday night it froze ... as hard as it ever freezes hereabouts ... and I wonder what will become of the seeds. If I'm lucky they are well enough adapted to cold climates that they won't try to germinate yet.

14 December 2006

Digging digging digging it

On Sunday I ripped up about a third of the sod on that corner lawn. It's hard work for someone my size.

Yesterday I suddenly realised what I should put in that place under the front of the house where I've been sieving pebbles out of the earth: calla lilies (zantedeschia aethiopica most likely). I have plenty of these, but they're all in rather inconvenient places. Some are even surviving in a plastic bin full of bark chips. Soon their troubles will be over.

We're getting more rain this week, and I have hopes that soon the soil will be soft enough to safely transplant a few more things.

02 December 2006


Today I replanted some "Daydream" tulips to a sunnier place than where they were last spring. And shifted some more earth and pebbles.

The California fuchsia is just about out of flowers. Not much else has changed.