08 June 2009

it thundered

... last week, with a little rain. No, it was the week before last.

The rockroses are now over, after providing a three-alarm show in early May. The watsonias are also finished, but the gaura are picking up from them very nicely. I've pulled out the majority of the gilia capitata and got some seed from the eschscholzia. Various daylilies are blooimng, though a little later than last year, and one or two lonely flax.

More importantly, the Godzilla has started. I've already had to cut it away from the garden path and the sidewalk; we'll see what it does next. The oenothera are also in grand bloom, indeed they have been so for weeks. The plumbago looks terrible; it should have recovered from the frost by now. I haven't the guts to cut it back. The perovskia are starting out quite well.

In the front walkway, the last anemone bloom is gone, but I see a few shy little achimenes shoots. Some of the morning glories are looking all right and climbing tall.

In the corner lawn, I have indisputably got three different colours of yarrow: white, lemon yellow, and a slightly disappointing pinkish-red. The vibrant, almost strawberry, red from the catalogue has not materialised.