Believe me, things have been growing -- I just haven't been writing about them.
The daffodils are all gone; the Mount Hood lasted about a week longer than the rest. Almost all the tulips are gone; we still have a few of the generic Darwin hybrids, maybe a few Daydream, and three of the bright red
T. linifolia. I wish these grew better hereabouts. And of the other spring bulbs, the only ones that I can remember from a few hours ago (my, aren't we getting old?) are the anemones. The sparaxis are not quite over.
I've reconsidered buying more Falconet, since they lasted for such a short time and do take up quite a lot of space. But more sparaix would be welcome, as they combine with other bulbs.

On the bright side, the "coral bells" (
Heuchera) are looking well, the
Clivia minata is quite spectacular, the scarlet flax are bright and numerous, and my "Daybreak"
gazania is best described as unbelievable. The
Lithodora diffusa is covered in little blue flowers on both sides of the fence, and the blue thimble flower (
Gilia capitata)

are also out in force. Oh, and the Indian hawthorn (
Rhaphiolepis indica) is doing well, as are the teucrium fruticans and the soapwort (
Saponaria ocymoides). I was wondering about he autumn sage (
salvia greggii) but it is coming into bloom too.
The plum tree is in leaf, with embryo plums clearly visible, and the snap peas are yielding a few very sweet and crunchy pods per day. Those are the ones I planted in, umm, November. The yarrow I sowed into a December frost has yielded some seedlings, but I think most of the green in that corner is actually low-growing weeds whose feathery texture reminded me of yarrow. In a few weeks I'll know for sure and perhaps do something about them.
The grevillea shows no signs of life. A week or two ago I cut off most of its foliage (to prevent dehydration) and poured several gallons of water around it, but I see no effect. The piece of malacothamnus that I tried to transplant has not grown, but the Ca. bluebell looks healthy. A few days ago I noticed what looked like "volunteer" seedlings of the Russian sage (
Perovskia atriplicifolia); that plant also spreads by underground roots, but I dug around these and they seemed to be true seedlings. I've moved three of them to where they can perhaps do some good. The columbines that I planted out a few weeks ago are, at least, alive. The ipomopsis rubra has enormous numbers of children. For now, I just watch them grow, but I can see that before long I'll have to pull a lot of them out.