- scarlet flax
- calochortus, pale purple, likely C. Cupido
- tulips: the white T. clusiana "Lady Jane" with red outside, and the pink-and-yellow T. bakeri (I think), and one of the Darwin hybrids ready to open
- "bird's eye" gilia tricolor which I promptly pulled out
- plenty of osteospermum African daisies
- plenty of freesias
- the plum tree, covered with blossoms and quite wonderful
- a few "Johnny-jump-up" violas
- a little of the Vinca minor periwinkle
- a great deal of the Lithodora diffusa "Grace Ward"
- the scarlet and maroon cyclamens
- two poppy anemones (A. coronaria) gorgeous dark blue/purple
- some California bluebells
- in unison on the same day, all of the Falconet daffodils, followed by the Carlton and with the Mount Hood ready to open -- I was ready to give up on these last year, but perhaps that frost helped them along
- still plenty of grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)
- the harlequin flower (Sparaxis tricolor) but only behind the house.
Last weekend I tore out two shrubs under the north wall of the house that didn't belong there and planted a "Plum Passion" fringe flower (Loropetalum chinensis) and a "Newport Dwarf" (tm) escallonia. I've tried planting out another lion's tail (Leonotis leonuris) after the first one died, and the last of my indoor-grown yarrow seedlings, of which I think all the first lot died.
It's going to be dry. I may turn on some irrigation (groan).